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Take control of the first impression you make online!

In our Budapest photo studio, we will create the best CV photo of your life. Whether you need a good CV photo or a new LinkedIn profile picture, feel free to contact us! With us, professional photography is not a chore, but relaxation. Because you will be satisfied with your CV picture if you feel good during the photo shoot. Forget the stevejobs pictures! There are no artificial settings here. Here, the entire staff works to ensure that you can give yourself. Come try it!

tökéletes önéletrajz fotó
szimpatikus önéletrajz fotó
LinkedIn profilkép készítés
profi önéletrajz fotózás
CV-hez fénykép
önéletrajhoz csatolt fénykép
üzleti portré fotó
profi CV fotó

The very first thing a recruiter looks at... your photo.  Based on your photo, they will decide within 1 second whether you are sympathetic to them or not! Which photo do you think would give you a better chance of a personal interview?

a rossz és a jó cv fotó

What about LinkedIn?


If you are not on LinkedIn then you do not exist in the eyes of HR professionals. Today, LinkedIn has become the premier hunting ground for recruiting professionals and headhunters. And on LinkedIn, the first thing the will see is your photo, whether you like it or not.

nincs profilkép

If you don't have a LinkedIn profile picture...


...then based on the statistics, only 1 in 10 HR people will take a look at your profile.
They think that you are not serious about looking for a job because you have not even bothered to look for a decent picture of yourself.

rossz önéletrajz fotó

If you have an amateur profile picture...


... you suggest that you don't care about your appearance and you probably don't take your job seriously.

jó önéletrajz fotó

If you have a professional profile picture...


... you suggest that you care about your appearance and you take your job seriously.

I personally guarantee the quality of the CV photo session.

How can we help you?

rossz cv fotó 2
professzionális önéletrajz fotó

We take the burden off your shoulders completely during the shoot:

➢ we will help you find the best clothes for you and your desired job

➢ show you the best angles and poses for you

➢ get honest facial expressions out of you

➢ create professional business makeup for ladies


All you have to do is sleep well before the photoshoot and bring as many clothes as you can. 😄



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173 vélemény alapján a Google-ön

Bárdóczy Gergely CV fotó
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Balázs's team is absolutely professional and they work very quickly. The shoot was fun all the way and I was given all the help and knowledge that I needed to get the best out of the 'brought material'. 

Horváth Réka - profi CV fotó
google logo.png
five stars.png

They really know what the're doing. The work was done in a flowy and very easy mood.

What matters is the result: the pictures are perfect!

I recommend them 100%!

Kerekes Zoltán - Önéletrajz fotó - Tóth
google logo.png
five stars.png

I wasn't satisfied with my previous business portraits.

A friend of mine recomended Balázs's team. Finally my online presence is as professional as I am. I recommend them from the bottom of my heart.

CV & Linkedin fotózás ára

8 év és több, mint 2500 fotózás tapasztalata.


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173 vélemény alapján a Google-ön.

Céges ügyfeleink:

CV csomag
Halasi Richárd portréfotós


Csapatunk senior fotósa, Balázs elsőszámú tanítványa.


Headshot fotózás

69.000 Ft

Retusálási díj/kép

12.000 Ft

Profi smink nőknek

15.000 Ft

Tóth Balázs portréfotós
HSC logo 2023


Stúdiónk alapítója, a világ 150 legjobb headshot fotósának egyike.


Headshot fotózás

119.000 Ft

Retusálási díj/kép

12.000 Ft

Profi smink nőknek

15.000 Ft

A fotózási díj tartalmazza:

styling tanácsadás portréfotózáshoz

Styling tanácsadás: a hozott ruahadarabjaidból a legjobb szettek összeállítása

jótanács csomag portré fotózáshoz

Felkészítő csomag: előzetes szöveges és videós anyagok arról, hogyan készülj a fotózásra a legjobb eredmény érdekében

coaching portré fotózáshoz

Coaching: a fotósod rád hagnolódva, a személyi-ségedet figyelembe véve hozza ki belőled a legelőnyösebb oldalad.

válogatás galéria portré fotókból

Galéria: segítség a választásban a legjobb fotók megjelölésével

A feltüntetett árak nettó árak.

A szolgáltatás magánszemélyek részére alanyi áfa mentes.

Az időpont foglalásához 30.000 Ft előleg befizetése szükséges (lásd az előleg fizetéssel kapcsolatos szabályzatunkat).

"But this is very expensive!" You could say...

Like many people have said before, until they came to us for a photo shoot. When they stepped out of the studio door, they just said "All this only cost only that much?!"

Think about it, is it really that expensive? If your appearance is important to you and you spend a good amount of money on a good shirt or a blouse, then why do you want to save on your online appearance?

If this photo helps you get into a higher position, then you will laughingly look back at the cost of your photoshoot after receiving your new paycheck the first month.


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To prove that this is not just idle talk, we provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee for every photoshoot! That is, if you are not satisfied with any of the pictures we take, we will give you your money back.

Időpont foglalás



Thanks to the cooperation with our partner Erdőssy Gellért, career consultant and professional CV writer, we are now offering Gellért's highly successful book Shark Laws as a gift with your CV photo shoot.

Just type "CVSHARK" for the partner code when you see and you can pick up the free book in our studio on the day of the photo shoot.

Armed with this book and your new photos, we guarantee that you will be able to give a huge boost to your career development!

Cápatörvények fotózáshoz ajándékba

Book your photo session online!


Ask our colleague for help!
If you need photos for yesterday, we have a solution! :)

Halasi Richárd portréfotós

Nézd meg Halasi Richárd, senior fotósunk szabad CV fotózási időpontjait a gombra kattintva:

Tóth Balázs portréfotós

Tóth Balázs - vezető fotósunk szabad időpontjait pedig itt nézheted meg:

Ha rövid határidőre kellenek a képek, akkor is van megoldásunk!

Send us a message!

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